Monday, March 30, 2015

Passing on August Yard?

Some time ago, I built a little American N scale layout called "August Yard'. Although I get rid of most of the layouts I've built, this one has stayed with me as a favourite. Looking at it now, it's not fantastic I know, and with the things I've learned since that time, I think I could improve on it - but it was fun to build, the first American themed layout I had built, and one that gave a lot of pleasure to operate too.

All 4 feet of August Yard

If I remember rightly, the train consisted of a loco (my Rutland RS1) and three random cars,which entered the scene from the hidden fiddle track at the rear. These were spotted, and cars removed, according to dice throws.

It is only 4 feet long by around 8 inches deep, originally built on top of a pine shelf from the local B&Q. As such, definitely a 'micro' and was featured by the late great Carl Arendt in his book 'Small Layout Scrapbook' (for which I was incredibly flattered).

Anyway, I have sold all of my N scale stock, including the Rutland RS1 which started it all off, and the time has come to part with the little layout. I'd rather not break it up for scrap, so I'm offering for free to anyone who is interested and can collect from Nottinghamshire, or the TVNAM show at Armitage in June. 

Hopefully somebody might like to get some play out of it before it meets the great layout scrapheap in the sky.

I can't test it but know it was all working fine last time it was used and it has been stored in a dry garage in it's dust box since then. And anyway, it's free!

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