Friday, February 27, 2015

under wraps..

Some time ago I mocked up a wrapped lumber load for my bulkhead flats to collect from Northwest Lumber. These were very basic and intended as a test. 

Yesterday I knocked up version 2.. made some changes to the dimensions, decided to create two stacks and add some relief.

Basically this load is a plan on one sheet of A4, printed out and cut to shape. I then wrapped the drawings around some foam board and card cut to shape. I scored the lines with a pencil and added strapping - black electrical tape sliced to size. Turns out to be rubbish as it doesn't stick very well.

That's the floor of the wagon that is bowed, not the load!

I am much happier with the look of these, I think the design works for me, so I'm going to source some other tape (Jack Trollope suggested 'nail tape') and make up a couple of these loads properly. (ie take a little more care measuring,cutting and gluing)


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